Product Pr0n: Bluetooth Headsets
This week's product segment could fall into two categories: Product Pr0n and part two of "Being Black is the Best!" Anyone who knows me personally knows that I, like all other technologically savvy black dudes, dig Bluetooth headsets. Of course, while they make sense for anyone who feels the need to talk on the phone while driving, they're kind of pointless if you're just walking around – and they're even more pointless if you're in a crowded place like a bar, restaurant or
Nevertheless, that hasn't stopped black dudes from rocking Bluetooth headsets like they were just another form of bling. Last fall I was hanging out at Ma'Kai, this upscale restaurant/nightspot in Santa Monica, when Eddie George walked in with a Motorola Bluetooth headset on his ear. Bluetooth headsets: justified. Furthermore, if you watched this year's NCAA tournament you would have noticed that in casual situations (whether out and about or eating) the black players pretty much all had Bluetooth headsets. Again: justified.
Hell, last year when I was still an editor at CNET I wrote a blog post called "Who says Bluetooth headsets aren't cool?" where I shared the story of how my boy TJ actually pulled some chicks at an SF nightclub cause his Bluetooth headset was blinking.
I'm not sure what it is, but I seriously can't see a hipster Hollywood white dude being able to pull it off. It's just too fucking ridiculous. That said though, it's the ridiculousness of Bluetooth
headsets that makes it cool for black dudes to rock em. I reiterate, "Being Black is the Best!"
Boy, I don't know about this Wil. I saw a guy the other day wearing one of these things, and I have to dork alert went off.
You know: Whooooooooop, whooooooooop, and so forth.
Granted he wasn't a black dude. But I don't really think that would have helped. Hard to look cool when you're ordering a sandwich at the local Subway. Maybe it was just the wrong environment....
I'm with you, writinman. I know that in two years wireless earpieces will be as commonplace as PDAs, but in the meantime, the cyborg look is definitely dork-cool only, no matter your melanin level.
wearing your earpiece when you are not on the phone is whack!
it's not a fashion item, it's the equivelent of back in the day when all the D-Boys wore beepers, when only business professionals had them.
Most of the "real" power players of Hollywood that are non white don't walk around wearing ear pieces..i wonder why?
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